So we finished the evening last night with a trip to Schultz Lake Beach. The kids liked swimming in at the beach because the water was not too deep. They also liked watching a little girl fish, and so we decided to try that. More to come on that in a bit.
Mama and Papa learned a lot about sand and how much can get in a care in a single trip to the beach. Oh well, certainly worse things to have in a car! :-)
After returning home from the beach, we had a supper of hot dogs, pickles, tomatoes, cheese, and ice cream for dessert.
After dinner we walked up to the neighbors. They had a little electric car that the kids could drive up and down the driveway, but even better, Andy let them ride on the riding lawn mower! Now that make the kids laugh out load, and they loved it. Very hard to get them off it!
It's funny to start to see their personalities coming through. Anna loves everyone and is likely to ask just about everyone to pick her up. She takes about 30 seconds to make a new friend. Rusik is much more guarded. He likes to be around people a bit before trusting them. They are both starting to always look to us for reaction which is a critical sign in the attachment process. So we are very happy to see that, and really feel like we are starting to be mama and papa or mama bama and Jeff as Anna is oft to call Dave? Not sure where Jeff came from?
We woke up on Tuesday and practiced our alphabet. Both kids are starting to get the hang of the letters. We practice writing them out on lined paper. Rusic hates making mistakes. He works so hard to do everything just right. We are trying to teach him it's ok to make a mistake, but that might take a little while. He has made great progress.
After writing they went up for their first swim lesson with Liz next store. Rusic can hold his breath for 30 seconds, and goes to the bottom of the shallow end to pick up things. Anna can now put her head under without holding her nose.
After swimming, we took the kids out for their first try at fishing. Anna caught one fish, and was very excited. Both came very close to catching more, and papa is going to put smaller hooks on so that the sunfish can catch the worms.
So this was the good part of the day. Then we had our first trip to the dentist, and the first really big challenge of parenting. (Of course we've had some small ones, but wow, this was big one.) Dave had been talking to kids about going to the dentist. Seemed to be fine. But when Rusik realized we meant him and we were going now, complete melt down. Seriously freaked out. Boy did the communication barriers hit us square on. Thank goodness we were going to Nancy Holm, who has to be about the best dentist out there!!
We knew he was really scared and could not communicate that it would be ok. Thank goodness Nancy is used to working with nervous patients. She had hired a translator, and was ready for us. She took her time with the children, let them get to know her, let them watch videos, and with the translator let them ask all the questions they could possibly think of. She let them play with the equipment, and I was willing to be a test (model) patient, but Anna was quite ready at this time to go first. She jumped right in the chair and Nancy went to work. Rusik watched very closely and after a time was ready to try it too. During his watching time he told us that he had been to the dentist and they had pulled a tooth and it was very bad experience. He was quite sure we were bringing him to the dentist to have the rest of his teeth pulled. Wow, imagine overcoming that?! Yikes. He is one brave boy! And Nancy is one incredible dentist. I can not imagine going through this with anyone else.
No coaxing needed. |
Dr. Nancy Holm and Sergei, our interpreter |
A very brave boy getting a checkup |
After, we took the kids to Cafe Raisa in Rosemount for a Russian meal. This went over well, and the kids were quite happy to have Pelmeni, and the staff was just wonderful with them. Can see this being a regular hang out!!
Anna put away 8 of these Pelmeni! |
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